Updated Bangladesh Office Report from Euglena
The activity report for July 2020 is about the participation of new sponsoring partner companies (Part 2).
Please take a look.
2020.08.28 At
the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Time Nutrition, we made a presentation on "Effects of transient intake of microalgae Euglena and the unique component paramylon on clock gene expression in mice".
At the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Time and Nutrition (held from August 28 to 29), "Euglena microalgae and the effect of transient intake of paramylon, a unique component, on the expression of clock genes in mice" was discussed at Waseda University Advanced Science and Technology. We made a presentation in collaboration with Professor Shigenobu Shibata of the Graduate School of Science.
In this presentation, we reported on changes in clock gene expression when Euglena
Going forward, we will continue to Euglena and Paramylon in health foods and medical fields, as well as increasing added value as foodstuffs. -
史上最年少の初代CFO(Chief Future Officer:最高未来責任者)の選考過程について記載した、『ユーグレナプロジェクト』のvol.39「CFO(最高未来責任者)を募集・選考せよ」を公開いたしました。ぜひご覧ください。
B.C.A.D.のパッケージデザインがGraphic Design In Japan 2020に入選
B.C.A.D.のパッケージデザインが、アジア最大級のデザイン団体、日本グラフィックデザイナー協会(JAGDA)が主催する『Graphic Design In Japan 2020』に入選しました。東京ミッドタウン・デザインハブにて開催されている年鑑作品展「日本のグラフィックデザイン2020」に8月31日(月)まで展示されています。