「からだにユーグレナGreen Powder 1week」+当社指定商品を特別割引価格でご購入頂けるカタログの贈呈
「からだにユーグレナGreen Powder 1week」および「からだにユーグレナ Green Tablet(28粒) 」+当社指定商品を特別割引価格でご購入頂けるカタログの贈呈<訂正後>
「からだにユーグレナGreen Powder 1week」+当社指定商品を特別割引価格でご購入頂けるカタログの贈呈
「からだにユーグレナGreen Powder 1week」および「からだにユーグレナ Green Tablet(42粒)」+当社指定商品を特別割引価格でご購入頂けるカタログの贈呈 -
詳細はこちら(英語論文) -
B.C.A.D.が「クリスタル アワード2020」化粧品部門トップスパコスメティックスを受賞しました
On September 16, 2020, the "Crystal Award 2020" (co-sponsored by Spa & Wellness Japan and Concept Asia Co., Ltd.) will be awarded to the facilities and brands that have gained the most support in the spa and wellness industry by voting by spa users. BCAD was selected as the top spa cosmetics in the cosmetics category.
In the top spa category, ANA Intercontinental Ishigaki Resort Spa Agarosa, who uses BCAD, has been selected as Japan's top spa.
Click here for details -
国際学術雑誌「Natural Product Communications」にて、佐賀大学との微細藻類ユーグレナに含まれるモノヘキソシルセラミドの同定に関する論文が掲載されました
On August 31, 2020, a paper on the identification of monohexosylceramide contained in the Euglena with Saga University was published in the international academic journal "Natural Product Communications".
Ceramide is a major component of intercellular lipids in the epidermal layer of the skin, and its concentration is said to be reduced in patients with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Therefore, application of ceramide as a cosmetic ingredient contributes to maintaining the water content of the skin epidermis and maintaining the skin barrier function. It is also known that ingestion of ceramide as a food ingredient relieves atopic dermatitis symptoms. It is known that the structure of ceramide varies greatly depending on the species from which it is derived.
In a paper reported in collaboration with Professor Hiroshi Kitagaki of Saga University, monohexosylceramide was identified and reported from the lipid fraction derived from Euglena
We will continue to Euglena the health food and medical fields and increasing the added value of ingredients and cosmetics.Click here for details (English treatise)
"euglena stance (Euglena in stance)," "Corona Special Feature: crisis of the prequel novel coronavirus infection gave me the re-starting of the infinite opportunities for us .- Mr. Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus -"Has been released
Mr. Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, gave us suggestions on how to live and act on the after-corona society.
The "with corona" era, where you live mainly with corona, and the world of "after corona" that you will visit afterwards. What can we do and what should we do in a situation that no one has ever experienced?
Please take a look.