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* Please note that the news release contains the content at the time of the announcement and may differ from the latest information.


A venture / future machine from Kagawa University that develops a solar panel cleaning robot
Decided to be the first investment destination of the Real Tech Development Fund
-Aiming for mass production of solar panel automatic cleaning robots to increase demand in Middle Eastern countries-

LLC Euglena SMBC Nikko Leave a Nest Capital

 Euglena SMBC Nikko Leave a Nest Capital (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Akihiko Nagata) is a venture capital fund aimed at supporting research and development-type venture companies. We are pleased to announce that we have decided to invest in Miraikikai, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Miraikikai), which develops solar panel cleaning robots, etc., as the first investment destination of "Real Tech * Development Fund".
* Real Tech: Technology that involves physical technological development that is not completed only on the WEB. Physical technologies such as robotics, biotechnology, agri, energy, and IoT.

 Miraikikai is a venture company from Kagawa University that develops lightweight robots that automatically clean solar panels without using water.
 Currently, large-scale solar panel installation projects are planned in Middle Eastern countries as a shift to renewable energy. However, it is a big issue to reduce the power generation efficiency due to the adhesion of dust peculiar to the desert area to the solar panel and to secure water resources for cleaning the solar panel. A water-free solar panel cleaning robot developed by Miraikikai, Inc. is expected as a robot that can solve this problem, and it is expected that demand will increase in dry regions such as the Middle East. Testing has already been carried out in the Middle East, and it is in the development stage for mass production in the future.
 Against this background, the Real Tech Development Fund has taken over the shares issued by Miraikikai through a third-party allotment, provided funding for mass production development of solar panel cleaning robots, and collaborated with the fund's investor. We support marketing and sales in Middle Eastern countries.
 Details about future machines are as follows.

About future machines of the first investment destination

■ About Miraikikai, Inc. and investment detailsFuture opportunity
 Established: March 24, 2004
 Representative: Toru Miyake, President and CEO
 Capital: 25,063,000 yen
 Business: R & D, manufacturing and sales of mobile robots / mechatronics equipment and laser coordinate measuring machines,
      Technology and intellectual property consulting
 Investment content: Mass production of solar panel cleaning robots and support for marketing and sales in Middle Eastern countries
      We will invest and support from the Real Tech Development Fund.

■ About Real Tech Development Fund (HP:
 Our 100% subsidiary of Euglena Investment, SMBC Nikko Securities, Ribanesu "Limited Liability Company was founded three companies Euglena in venture capital funds that SMBC Nikko Ribanesu capital" to management and operation, the investment development of the real tech venture as the main purpose is. There are a total of 12 participating companies, and the fund size is 3.6 billion yen. We aim to increase the fund to 5 billion yen or more by the end of 2015.

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division

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