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Cabinet Office "Innovative Research and Development Promotion Program (ImPACT)"
In "Creating new value by systematically creating serendipity"
Euglena Co., Ltd. was selected as a research and development institution

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo) is conducting research and development under the program name "Creating new value through the planned creation of serendipity" under the "Innovative Research and Development Promotion Program (ImPACT)" of the Cabinet Office. We would like to inform you that we have been selected as an institution.
 The "Innovative R & D Promotion Program (ImPACT)" aims to create innovative science and technology innovations that, if realized, will bring about major changes in industry and society, and will carry out high-risk, high-impact, challenging R & D. This is a program promoted by the Cabinet Office for the purpose of doing so.
 "Creating new value through the planned creation of serendipity" (hereinafter referred to as "this program") is a research and development program implemented by Keisuke Goda, a program manager (and a professor at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo), and we participate as a major research institution. It was decided by the Cabinet Office on October 30th. In this program, we will develop innovative basic technology that systematically creates serendipity (accidental and lucky discovery) by discovering and analyzing "a grain of gold dust from a beach" in life science at high speed and accurately. The research and development period is scheduled for four and a half years from October 2014 to March 2019, and we aim to create ultra-efficient and ultra-low-cost biofuels using Euglena
 The details of the program adopted this time and the contents of our implementation are as follows.

About "creation of new value by systematic creation of serendipity" and implementation contents

 In this program, by developing a serendipitter that discovers the individuality of cells that was buried in statistical data in the conventional technology, and by using the serendipitter to efficiently discover and utilize the excellent abilities of cells, We will promote qualitative transformation of green innovation * 1 and life innovation * 2.
 In this program, we will develop a method to stimulate cells to create cells with various personalities and a method to identify the individuality of each cell with optical technology. In addition, we will select Euglena suitable for fuel production and aim to create ultra-efficient and ultra-low-cost biofuels using the super Euglena Research and development will proceed in cooperation with the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Chiba University, Keio University, California University, Columbia University, etc.
* 1 Green innovation: A technological attempt to realize a low-carbon society
* 2 Life innovation: An attempt to realize a healthy and long-lived society and contribute to economic growth by strengthening international competitiveness.

<About Euglena Co., Ltd.>
Sales: 2,091 million yen (consolidated, FY09 / 13)
Business: In 2005, we succeeded in establishing the world's first outdoor mass culture technology for the Euglena In addition to Euglena we are also conducting research for water purification and biofuel production. Listed on TSE Mothers in December 2012.

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* Details of the research and development program "Creating new value through the planned creation of serendipity"

-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division

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