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Press Releases

* Please note that the news release contains the content at the time of the announcement and may differ from the latest information.


Notice of relocation of Euglena Co., Ltd.

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Dear Sir, We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.
Euglena Co., Ltd. will relocate its office as follows.
We will take this opportunity to make further efforts, and we ask for your continued kindness in the future.

Best regards

【飯田橋新オフィス 住所】
〒112-0004東京都文京区後楽2-6-1 飯田橋ファーストタワー 31F
 TEL : 03-5800-4907 (代表) / 03-5802-4907 (マーケティング部)
 FAX : 03-3816-4907 (代表) / 03-3814-4907 (マーケティング部)


 * The laboratory (head office) will continue to be on the 7th floor of the University of Tokyo Entrepreneur Plaza (on the University of Tokyo Hongo campus).

​ ​

-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division

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