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Euglena Co., Ltd.
Bangladesh office
April 2017

 Thank you for always Euglena In the activities of this term (April 2016 to the end of March 2017), we have achieved the target of 1.5 million meals thanks to the support of everyone, and we are aiming for 2 million meals a year in the next term. We will not only increase the number of distributions, but also enhance the contents of the program. Thank you for your continued support.

 Euglena GENKI program started in Bangladesh in April 2014, but due to the rise in cookie manufacturing costs and exchange fluctuations due to the remarkable economic development of Bangladesh, how to utilize the sponsorship money from everyone is as follows from April 2017. We would like to report that we would like to change it as follows.

[Details of changes]
 Until March 2017, Euglena containing products, you will receive a 10 yen sponsorship, and that 10 yen will be used for the Euglena cookie "1 meal" (* This one meal is especially suitable for children in Bangladesh. We can provide one day's worth of nutrients that are lacking). We have distributed this cookie as a school lunch run by a local NGO.
 However, as mentioned earlier, due to the rise in cookie manufacturing costs here and exchange fluctuations, the manufacturing cost of one serving of cookie cannot be covered by 10 yen.
 There will be no change in the amount of sponsorship (10 yen per product) from now on (after April 2017), but instead of "10 yen = 1 serving", 10 yen will be sponsored for each product purchased. We will utilize it for the entire program.

 We would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation.

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