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Euglena will introduce a new compensation system aiming for a sustainable personnel system
Introduced a remuneration system that allows desired friends to receive part of the remuneration in stock

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo) will introduce a stock-based compensation system that allows a portion of the compensation to be received in stock for desired colleagues * 1.
* 1 At the Euglena Group, employees are called "companies" with the same aspirations.

 Our personnel system so far has been Euglena Philosophy "Sustainability First" * 2, which is what we want to be, and is adapted to changes in the diverse living environment and work styles of working colleagues. We have introduced selectable personnel and welfare programs.
 And this time, we will introduce a new remuneration system that allows you to receive a part of the remuneration in your own stock according to the wishes of your friends. Under this system, in order to promote the acquisition of treasury stock, if you choose to receive part of the compensation in treasury stock, you will be paid an extra amount of treasury stock compared to the option of receiving it in cash. This system is a personnel system that reflects the commitment of working colleagues to expand our medium- to long-term business performance and increase corporate value in our compensation. By introducing this system, we aim to promote the exertion of sustainable abilities and the improvement of job satisfaction in accordance with differences in living environment and changes in life stages, and aim to grow the company and reduce social issues.
* 2 The Euglena Group defines "Sustainability First" as a state in which "the way our happiness continues to coexist with someone's happiness" is always considered and acted upon.
Released on August 11, 2020

■ Background of the introduction of the stock-based compensation system
  Together with many stakeholders, we are developing various business areas such as healthcare business and biofuel business. Euglena ・ Sharing the value of “Sustainability First” as a philosophy, various colleagues with different ages, nationalities, family structures, experiences, career orientations, etc. are working, and marriage Personal work styles are changing according to changes in life stages such as childbirth and nursing care. We believe that a sustainable personnel system is to respect the changes in the life stages and work styles of these diverse human resources, and to create an environment in which colleagues who work at our company can demonstrate their abilities and have a sense of satisfaction. Until now, we have introduced a double-track role grade system that allows you to choose a work style according to your career orientation and life plan, and a challenge back system that supports the subsequent careers of colleagues who retire for self-actualization, Yugurism * 3 We have built a variety of personnel systems, such as the introduction of a cafeteria plan * 4 in line with.
 And this time, as one of the various personnel systems, we have decided to introduce a new remuneration system that allows you to choose to receive a part of the remuneration in your own stock according to the wishes of your colleagues. In this system, in order to promote the acquisition of treasury stock, if you choose to receive a part of the compensation in treasury stock, you will be paid a premium of treasury stock compared to the option of receiving it in cash. We aim to expand medium- to long-term business performance and increase corporate value by sharing the same perspectives as shareholders and managers through the continuous and stable acquisition and ownership of our own shares by our colleagues.
* 3 Euglena is an action guideline that shows the working styles and ways of thinking of Euglena group members. Released on September 2, 2020
* 4 A system that allows you to select your favorite one from the various welfare menus set by our company within the points given to you by your friends.

■ Outline of stock-based compensation system
Start time: Applicable from the fiscal year ending September 2021
Target: Full-time employees (monthly salary system and annual salary system) who wish to use the system
Eligible for stock payment:
 Persons eligible for monthly salary system Bonuses paid in June and December are paid in company stock
 Persons eligible for annual salary system The performance-linked portion, which accounts for 20-40% of the annual salary, is paid in treasury stock in two parts, December and June.
 * Performance-linked parts vary depending on job title.
Calculation of the number of shares to be paid:
 Payment of treasury stock that is higher than when receiving the target compensation in cash
 The stock price will be calculated at the closing price on the day before the resolution to issue shares at the board of directors

 We will increase our commitment to improve the corporate value of our colleagues over the medium to long term through sustainable work styles, and aim for a sustainable future together with customers and partners who sympathize with "Sustainability First." ..

<About Euglena Co., Ltd.>
In 2005, we succeeded in establishing the world's first edible outdoor mass culture technology for the Euglena In Euglena and Chlorella, we are also conducting research toward the production of biofuels. Euglena GENKI Program, which has been in operation since 2014 to deliver Euglena cookies with abundant nutrients to children in Bangladesh, will be expanded to all group products including cosmetics from April 2019. Listed on TSE Mothers in December 2012. TSE First Section market change in December 2014. We define "Sustainability First" as the Euglena Philosophy and develop our business.
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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Corporate Communication Division

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