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CI (corporate identity) renewal to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our founding
From "Euglena" company to "Sustainability First" company

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo, hereinafter "Euglena") is celebrating its 15th anniversary, and "Sustainability First" from the company of "Euglena" Update to the company of "First)". In order to abolish the complicated management philosophy, vision, and slogan, to have a philosophy that will not change in the future, and to become a strong organization, "Sustainability First" will be newly added as "Euglena Philosophy". ) ”, And the corporate logo will be renewed in katakana notation so that it will be recognized by a wider range of people and feel closer to us. In the future, we will develop further businesses centered on sustainability and aim to become sustainable by allowing customers to come into contact with the businesses and products that we develop.


■ Background of corporate identity renewal
 We will celebrate the 15th anniversary of our founding on August 9, 2020. Over the last 15 years, the world's environment and way of thinking have changed significantly. The business segment of our company has expanded due to changes in the times and demands from society, and the number of company colleagues and external partners has increased rapidly. Currently, there are 10 group companies, and the number of friends has increased about 10 times since it was listed in 2012, and about doubled in the last 5 years.
 Under such circumstances, "We regard the milestone year of the 15th anniversary as the second founding period, and we will take the corporate identity (CI), which is our soul, as the Euglena I would like to propose a renewal. "Euglena this opportunity, we decided to renew our CI, considering Euglena Group to express its new intentions to our colleagues, customers, and society.
 We started with the desire to solve the problem of malnutrition that we witnessed in Bangladesh with nutritious ingredients, and based on the management philosophy of "health for people and the earth", we have health care and energy. We have developed a business centered on the environmental field. And even now, the idea of "healthy people and the earth" remains unchanged.
 In the midst of the CI renewal, in an era of drastic change, we do not define what we want to achieve individually and concretely, but realize our own ideal form that does not change no matter how the times change. I came up with the answer that it should be at the center of corporate management. And even if the world changes drastically due to the Lehman shock or the new coronavirus infection by abolishing the complicated management philosophy, vision and slogan, we will continue to be a strong organization, so it will not change for us. Euglena Philosophy has been promoted, and the CI has been renewed.

<Comment from Representative Director Izumo>
My thoughts when I was founded are still the same. Fifteen years later, I decided to step up from a "Euglena" company to a "Sustainability First" company after discussing what the company should be like with my colleagues. "Euglena" is still an important companion in achieving "Sustainability First". Our company develops various businesses, all of which are centered on "Sustainability", and we aim to realize a world where "Sustainability" is commonplace throughout our business.

■ Euglena ・ Philosophy "Sustainability First"
 We have updated from "Euglena Company" and named Euglena Philosophy as "Sustainability First" as "What Euglena wants to be".
 Based on our management philosophy of "Health for people and the earth," we have developed businesses centered on the fields of healthcare and energy / environment. When I thought about what Euglena wants to be, I came up with the idea that our growth should be reduced to social problems. I think that what we can do to keep the future going, not the short-term issues in front of us, is "Sustainability." In the future, we will not only utilize Euglena, but also develop the Our business centered on sustainability. We aim to keep our happiness coexisting with someone's happiness toward a sustainable environment, sustainable health, a sustainable society, a sustainable life, a sustainable way of working, a sustainable organization, and various stakeholders. In addition, by developing businesses centered on sustainability, we aim to make it sustainable for customers to come into contact with the businesses and products that we develop. This philosophy was established as common to all group companies.

■ New corporate logo
 Euglena ・ The corporate logo will be renewed as follows as a symbol to recognize the philosophy "Sustainability First".

<About logotype>
 We have changed the logo to katakana notation so that we can not read the English character "euglena" and receive many such voices so that it can be recognized by a wider range of people. In addition, the font is a versatile and highly readable Mincho font so that it can be used in a wide range of business areas from biofuels to foods and cosmetics. He expressed his strong will to aim for a sustainable society in a powerful and gentle manner.

<About the logo mark>
 It reflects the intention to create a sustainable society and environment. With the motif of Infiniti, which imagines sustainable development, we designed the dynamic feeling of the cells of the microalgae Euglena (Japanese name: Euglena), and the English acronym "e" for Euglena. , The acronym "S" for "Sustainability", which means sustainability, has been incorporated into the design.

<About the tagline "I'm going, having fun, sustaining.">
 The word "sustainable" tends to feel like "a distant story" or "it seems to be difficult and annoying" in our daily lives. However, I want you to feel "sustainable" more closely, to incorporate it into your life, to feel that it applies to you, to change your behavior, and from such thoughts, "live" and "enjoy". "Sustainable" is placed in parallel with words that make you feel happy in your daily life. By writing them in parallel, we want people to think that sustainability is the same as "living" and "enjoying." In addition, by intentionally expressing "sustainable" in a verb-like coined word, we are not satisfied with the mere concept and express our intention to continue to act concretely while asking ourselves about sustainability.

<About the new corporate color>
 "Sustainable green" is a unique color that expresses the cycle of the earth in a single color by mixing the dark green like the color of the leaves of an evergreen tree with the sky blue associated with the sky and the sea with "Joban green" which is regarded as a symbol of eternal immortality. Was defined. The green color that was originally used has been changed to a corporate color that makes people and the earth feel even more, with the intention of aiming for a sustainable world.


Please also check here as supplementary material.


■ About switching
 Each bulletin board will be gradually switched from October 2020. Please note that you can use it together with the current logo mark.

■ What to abolish
 Management Philosophy, Vision, Slogan

<About Euglena Co., Ltd.>
In 2005, we succeeded in establishing the world's first edible outdoor mass culture technology for the Euglena In Euglena and Chlorella, we are also conducting research toward the production of biofuels. Euglena GENKI Program, which has been in operation since 2014 to deliver Euglena cookies with abundant nutrients to children in Bangladesh, will be expanded to all group products including cosmetics from April 2019. Listed on TSE Mothers in December 2012. TSE First Section market change in December 2014.


-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Corporate Communication Division

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