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Euglena microalgae, becomes an art! !!
Euglena is being provided for works exhibited at the Mori Arts Center "Future and Art Exhibition"
~ Used as a component of the work, exhibited until the end of March 2020 ~

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo) is holding the "Future and Art Exhibition" at the Mori Arts Center (Tuesday, November 19, 2019-March 29, 2020). We are pleased to announce that we are providing the microalgae Euglena (Japanese name: Euglena) as a component of the work "HORTUSXL Astaxanthin g" exhibited at Eco Logic Studio on Sunday. To do.

For HP

EcoLogicStudio 《H.O.R.T.U.S.XL Astaxanthin g》 ecoLogicStudio H.O.R.T.U.S.XL Astaxanthin.g 2019 © NAARO

 In addition to the healthcare business, which manufactures and sells foods and cosmetics that support health, we also develop an energy and environment business that researches and manufactures biofuels, and a social business that provides food support in Bangladesh. We aim to contribute to solving issues and achieving SDGs.
 The "Future Art Exhibition" is a collection of more than 100 exhibits, including cutting-edge technologies such as AI, biotechnology, robotics, and AR (augmented reality), and art, design, and architecture created under the influence of these technologies. This is an exhibition that considers the city of the near future, environmental issues, lifestyle, society and human beings. Euglena in the work "HORTUS XL Astaxanthin g" of Eco Logic Studio, which will be exhibited at the "Future Art Exhibition", and we sympathized with the purpose of the exhibition. Euglena is now provided as a material for the work.
 "HORTUS XL Astaxanthin g", which uses the microalgae Euglena, is a work created by combining the intelligence of both machines and nature. It is a sculpture. Computers are designed to allow microalgae to photosynthesize most efficiently, producing oxygen and forming biological colonies within the sculpture. The exhibition period of "HORTUS XL Astaxanthin g" will be from November 19, 2019 (Tuesday) to March 29, 2020 (Sunday), which is the period of "Future and Art Exhibition".
 Based on our management philosophy of "Health for people and the earth," we will continue to aim to be a company for the future.

■ "Future and Art Exhibition: AI, Robots, Cities, Life-How People Will Live Tomorrow"
Meeting place: Mori Art Museum (53rd floor of Roppongi Hills Mori Tower)
Period: November 19, 2019 (Tuesday) -March 29, 2020 (Sunday)
Exhibition location: Section 2 "To Neo-Metabolism Architecture"

■ ecoLogicStudio
A studio co-founded in London in 2005 by architects Claudia Pasquero and Marco Pollet, specializing in architecture and civic design. Using biotechnology and advanced information technology, we can draw a new relationship between the environment and architecture / cities, and in 2018, we will utilize microalgae to absorb 1 kg of carbon dioxide per day, which is equivalent to 20 large trees. I am making a bio curtain.

<About the microalgae Euglena>
The microalgae Euglena (scientific name: Euglena) is a type of alga that has the characteristics of both plants and animals and contains abundant types of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in a well-balanced manner. In 2005, Euglena Co., Ltd. succeeded in mass edible outdoor culture for the first time in the world.

<About Euglena Co., Ltd.>
In 2005, we succeeded in establishing the world's first edible outdoor mass culture technology for the Euglena In addition to developing and selling functional foods and cosmetics that utilize the Euglena and Chlorella produced on Ishigaki Island, we are also conducting research toward the production of biofuels. Euglena GENKI Program, which has been in operation since 2014 to deliver Euglena cookies with abundant nutrients to children in Bangladesh, will be expanded to all group products including cosmetics from April 2019. Listed on TSE Mothers in December 2012. TSE First Section market change in December 2014. The management philosophy is "to make people and the earth healthy".


For HP 2

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Corporate Communication Division

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