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* Please note that the news release contains the content at the time of the announcement and may differ from the latest information.


Our efforts at the 2019 G20 Summit-related meetings
-Next-generation biodiesel fuel containing euglena will be used in Fukuoka and Karuizawa-

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo) will hold the world's first public road for Euglena We will carry out driving, give lectures, and exhibit. Through various initiatives, we aim to increase awareness of the importance of biofuels in the global environment and our biofuel business.

■ G20 Fukuoka holding commemorative fintech event "Regional Revitalization Wakamono Meeting in Fukuoka" to give a keynote speech by President Izumo, and Euglena Biodiesel Fuel" -containing ordinary car, which will be the world's first public road driving Implementation of movement (June 1, 2019)
At the fintech event "Regional Revitalization Wakamono Meeting in Fukuoka" held to commemorate the G20 Fukuoka, our president Izumo gave a keynote speech for young entrepreneurs and young people aiming to start a business, and participated in the meeting. Euglena Biodiesel Fuel" for the moving vehicle from the venue of Mr. Satsuki Katayama, the Minister of State for Regional Revitalization of Towns, People, and Work to Hakata Station. Euglena biodiesel fuel" used this time is a next-generation biodiesel fuel that uses Midorimushi as a part of the raw material and can be used 100% of the current diesel engine. This is the world's first driving on a public road in an ordinary car (" Euglena biodiesel fuel" contains 26%).


Reference: Before boarding the car used by Minister Katayama to move from the venue to Hakata Station (Fukuoka, June 1)

■ Exhibited at the "G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Conversion and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth" (Karuizawa) and Euglena Biodiesel Fuel" (June 14-16, 2019)
At the "G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Conversion and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth" held in Karuizawa Town, we will exhibit on the "GREEN OIL JAPAN" Declaration, which aims to make Japan an advanced biofuel country. In addition, we plan to operate a bus containing Euglena


Euglena biodiesel fuel (former: DeuSEL bus)

 Going forward, we will continue to contribute to the creation of the future, including sustainable energy, based on the idea of making people and the earth healthy.

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Corporate Communication Division

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