Press Releases
* Please note that the news release contains the content at the time of the announcement and may differ from the latest information.
Euglena x Barnibarbi, the world's first! Euglena was given as feed
A special menu using Hinai chicken "Mitori" will be offered for a limited time from June 15th (Friday).
-Developing store-specific menus by skilled chefs at 5 stores in Tokyo operated by Barnibarbi-
Euglena Co., Ltd.
Barnibarbi Co., Ltd.
Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo, hereafter Euglena) and Barnibarbi Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nishi-ku, Osaka) , President: Hirohisa Sato, hereafter Barnibarbi) is Hinaichi produced with feed containing microalgae Euglena (Japanese name: Euglena, hereafter Euglena) A special menu using chicken "Midori" will be offered for a limited time from June 15th (Friday) at 5 restaurants in Tokyo operated by Barnibarbi.
* Cooking image

"Mitori" logo mark
Euglena Euglena and Chlorella, which have abundant nutrients such as protein, as foodstuffs as well as feeds. Euglena powder and chlorella powder were fed to Hinai chicken, which is a specialty of Akita prefecture, and confirmed that the umami of meat and the color of fat could be improved. This is the world's first Hinai chicken raised on a feed containing Euglena
Based on the results of this research, Euglena Euglena containing feed "Midori", and as the first example of using the material, the restaurant Tokyo where Barni Barbi develops 5 It will be offered as a special menu for a limited time at stores (GARB pintino, GARB Tokyo, DRAWING HOUSE OF HIBIYA, Bistro Bar TROIS CUIT ASANUMA, GARB CENTRAL). You can enjoy a special menu brought out by the chefs of each store, which has a firm texture and the charm of "Mitori" with increased umami.
The details are as follows.
About the development of a special menu for a limited time using "Mitori"
■ Offer period: June 15th (Friday) -September 30th (Sunday), 2018 (planned)
■ Details of offered stores: You can enjoy it at the following stores operated by Barnibarbi.
店舗名: GARB pintino(ガーブ ピンティーノ)
住所:東京都千代田区神田錦町3-22 テラススクエア2F
店舗名: GARB Tokyo(ガーブ東京)
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内2-2-3 丸の内仲通りビル1F
特別メニュー:「比内地鶏と香ばしい野菜のサラダ仕立て ユーグレナと山葵のクレマ添え」
店舗名:DRAWING HOUSE OF HIBIYA(ドローイング ハウス・オブ・ヒビヤ)
住所:東京都千代田区有楽町1-1-2 東京ミッドタウン日比谷 6F
特別メニュー:「比内地鶏の炭火焼き ライムとセミドライトマトのグリーンマスタードソース」
店舗名:Bistro Bar TROIS CUIT ASANUMA(ビストロバル トロワキュイ アサヌマ)
住所:東京都台東区駒形2-1-7 MKビル3F
店舗名:GARB CENTRAL(ガーブ セントラル)
住所:東京都千代田区紀尾井町1-3 東京ガーデンテラス紀尾井町1F
■ Business hours / regular holidays: According to each facility
<About Barnibarbi Co., Ltd.>
With the key concept of "making delicious food more enjoyable, healthier, and cheaper" for all restaurants, we have 81 restaurants, cafes, and sweets shops nationwide (as of the end of May 2018). By carefully creating each store, we will create a store rooted in the city that blends in with people's lifestyles.
<About Euglena Co., Ltd.>
In 2005, we succeeded in establishing the world's first edible outdoor mass culture technology for the Euglena In addition to developing and selling functional foods and cosmetics that utilize the Euglena and Chlorella produced on Ishigaki Island, we are also conducting research toward the production of biofuels. Listed on TSE Mothers in December 2012. TSE First Section market change in December 2014. The management philosophy is "to make people and the earth healthy".
-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Corporate Communication Division