euglena Project
With new friends
At the genetic level
Make people healthy.
Life x IT platform including gene analysis
Launch of "Euglena My Health"
Started a gene analysis service company when he was a graduate student
The purpose is "to solve the mystery of life and contribute to society"
It was in 2013, the second year of the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo.
"In order to accelerate research on gene analysis and return the results of research to society, it may not be enough to just continue researching at graduate school ..."
In many cases, the mystery of life has not yet been clarified, and by analyzing the genome (= a general term for all the genes we possess) and accumulating data, "I want to spend my entire life solving the mystery of life. I was thinking. This is because if the mechanism of life that has not been elucidated until now is elucidated, it will be possible to develop medicines for diseases for which there is no cure yet, and to bring about major innovations in the development of preventive medicine and the healthcare field. Because there is a possibility that it can be done.
In 2013, Takahashi was surprised to see the movement of an American gene analysis company.
"It is necessary to involve more society than just conducting university research. If genetic analysis is implemented as a service in society, it can be useful for the health of customers and cooperate with customers who use that service. By asking and collecting data, we can accelerate genome research ...! "
Takahashi's actions were surprisingly quick, less than a month after he thought of it.
While attending the University of Tokyo graduate school, he started GeneQuest Co., Ltd. at the young age of 25 with Saito, a senior in the laboratory, and became president.

Saito (left) and Takahashi (right) at the beginning of the business
In January 2014, it launched a genome analysis service that conveys genetic information on disease risk and constitution to individuals.
Encounter between Takahashi and Our
Our member of Euglena
After a while, when Takahashi began to take the stage at the lecture, there were many opportunities to join Our Meanwhile, Vice President Nagata Euglena don't you join the Euglena Group and join us?" Coincidentally, Takahashi also wanted to accelerate business expansion and research by partnering with other companies.
"GeneQuest certainly has strengths in science, but Euglena, we may be able to expand the range of future business development by allowing individual customers to use more services ..."
Takahashi decided that the same R & D-type venture, Euglena, would be easy to collaborate in business and research, and on October 1, 2017, GeneQuest announced Euglena. I joined the group.

Office integrated
Launch of "Euglena My Health"
Our, Takahashi and his colleagues began full-scale preparations for the launch of a new product.
Takahashi and other Euglena colleagues and Euglena's newly established Bioinformatics Division teamed up to discuss product design, brand concept, and design.
The company aimed to develop the service in March 2018, starting with the pre-sale as a shareholder benefit in December.
Takahashi and Our colleagues sometimes felt uneasy about how to communicate with each other at first, but Takahashi and Izumo had many discussions and the same. We decided to connect the common part of the two companies, which are university-launched ventures and R & D type, and their respective management philosophies of "making people and the earth healthy" and "creating a prosperous society through genetic analysis" to the service.
And finally March 2018.
Euglena Co., Ltd. and GeneQuest announced the start of deployment of Euglena My Health" (, an integrated platform of "life science x IT", as an entry into a new field in the healthcare business.

At the Euglena My Health" (left: Takahashi, right: Izumo)
With the brand concept of "making yourself healthy in the future", as the first service, 300 items about health risk, constitution, and ancestors using the know-how of GeneQuest, a pioneer in Japan of large-scale gene analysis service for individuals. The gene analysis service that analyzes the above was launched on the same day.

1st "Euglena My Health" Gene Analysis Service
"Euglena My Health" revolves around "Science," "Credible," and "Personal," and through various testing services based on academic research, etc., your own health. We aim to provide healthcare solutions tailored to each individual after understanding their risks, constitution, and health condition.
"There are still many things we don't know what's going on with our human body and why we get sick. Sometimes we want to live more, but we get sick, but all the mysteries of life. If it can be clarified, it may be possible to return the research results to society and create a future in which you will not get an unintended disease. And genes are a problem in medical expenses in Japan. And there is a possibility that we can solve the problem of dementia patients associated with the super-aging society. That is why we not only ask you to use services such as gene analysis to extend your healthy lifespan, but also research the data you cooperated with. I'm going to use it to solve the mystery of life. "
Takahashi, who talks about this, seemed to be staring at the future with all his heart.
[Euglena My Health]
Posted in March 2019
Euglena Data
-The price of genome decoding has been 1 / 100,000 in the last 15 years! Growing Genome Analysis Market ~
The cost of genome decoding, which cost 100 million dollars (about 10 billion yen) in 2001,
It became 1000 dollars (about 100,000 yen) in 2015
- Representative Director of GeneQuest Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer Euglena Co., Ltd.
In charge of bioinformatics business Shoko Takahashi -
In June 2013, he started GeneQuest Co., Ltd. while enrolled in the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo. Completed the doctoral course in March 2015 and obtained a doctorate. In April 2018, he was appointed Executive Officer of Euglena Co., Ltd. in charge of bioinformatics business. In order to create synergies between GeneQuest and Euglena, "Euglena My Health" will be launched under the brand concept of "Making yourself healthy in the future."
"Advances in science and technology are endless hopes entrusted to humankind. I would like to embody them as a business and make use of them in the real world."
euglena Projects
Bangladeshi children
Find the material to save.
Euglena that no one has achieved
Establish outdoor mass culture technology.
Grow it into a 30 billion yen market.
Lunch for all elementary schools.
With CO2 emitted from the chimney
Cultivate Euglena.
Euglena cosmetics business
Get up.
Japan's first bio-jet fuel
Build a manufacturing plant.
The name of "Euglena"
Use it as a weapon.
Bringing Euglena to China
Spread it.
Acquire super-Euglena.
Solve the poverty issue in Bangladesh with the Mung Bean Project.
Euglena with Takeda
Develop new products.
Utilizing sewage from sewage treatment plants,
Cultivate Euglena.
Create a set of guiding principles for euglena’s employees.
Japan's unique technology
Cultivate Euglena.
Aim to create an office that promotes a pleasant working environment for our employees.
Establish the Yugurin Nursery School next to our office.
Euglena in Ishigaki Island
Contribute to regional revitalization.
Raise awareness of Euglena
Jointly develop new products
Euglena cafe
Open a store on Ishigaki Island.
Using Euglena as fodder
Raise Hinai chicken.
Euglena-containing diesel fuel
Collaborate with Isuzu Motors to put it into practical use.
using Euglena
Produce biofuel.
The world's first Euglena and chlorella
Get ASC-MSC algae certification.
Build synergy with group companies.
With new friends
Make people healthy at the genetic level.
Jiyugaoka and
Popularize Euglena.
Euglena supplement
Start up a processing plant.
Contribute to community revitalization on Ishigaki Island through the power of science.
new Euglena
Develop core cosmetics.
Contribute toward solving food shortages among Rohingya refugees.
Beauty ingredients derived from Euglena
Unravel your research.
Supporting students in taking on challenges!
Start all-year-round recruitment.
Euglena and Chlorella
Get halal certification.
Euglena that extends healthy life expectancy
Discover possibilities.
Taketomi Island prawn farming business
Drive your car on Euglena biodiesel fuel at the G20 Karuizawa.
Plan a mascot character to communicate the appeal of Euglena from Ishigaki Island.
Recruit and select CFOs (Chief Financial Officers).
Domestic Kalahari watermelon
Japan's first "virtual only
Hold a general meeting of shareholders.
next-generation biodiesel fuel
popularize it
Renew your identity.
Born in Ishigaki Island
Euglena permeate.
derived from Euglena
Accelerate fertilizer research.
Japan's skies with biofuel
keep it clean.
improve the office environment
Make your teammates more productive.
in cosmetics
Pursue sustainability
Next new material "Midori Koji"
Spread your value to the world.