People and sustainability
2022年5月より、原料から日々の生活までサステナビリティにこだわったライフスタイルを提案する新ブランド『lavita ...
健康リスクだけではない。遺伝子解析が気づかせてくれる「人・組織・社会」の理想的な姿-一休 植村弘子×ユーグレナ 高橋祥子
The future has already begun-Future Summit members Kikai and Takada look back on their activities for the year [3rd serialization project]
2019年、ユーグレナ社は、地球と会社の“未来”を考える18歳以下のCFO(Chief Future Officer:最...
I want to seriously change society in order to cherish the earth-Future Summit members Deguchi and Nishibori look back on the activities of the year [Series 2]
2019年、ユーグレナ社は、地球と会社の“未来”を考える18歳以下のCFO(Chief Future Officer:最...
Environmental problems are not just for the younger generation-the first CFO (Chief Financial Officer), Kyoko Ozawa, looks back on her activities for the year [first serialization project]
2019年、ユーグレナ社は、地球と会社の“未来”を考える18歳以下のCFO(Chief Future Officer:最...
[Corona Special Feature: Part 2] Green Recovery and Social Entrepreneurs are the key to overcoming the new coronavirus infection. Euglena President and CEO Mitsuru Izumo-
Can the future be opened up with positive optimism? Kyoko Ozawa (first Chief Future Officer) x Shoko Takahashi (Executive Officer and representative of GeneQuest)
持続可能な地球の未来をつくるため、大人は若者に、若者は大人に何を求めていくべきか?ユーグレナ初代CFO(Chief Fu...
[COVID-19 feature: Part 1] The crisis caused by COVID-19 has given us an unparalleled opportunity to make a fresh start. - Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank
If you become familiar with haiku, you can feel the changes in the seasons through seasonal words. An "item" that enriches your daily life-Itsuki Natsui, a poet
Planning a board game where you can learn SDGs more closely while playing. Ryohei Kadokawa, representative of Sunaba Corporation