30 items a day! You have to eat a lot of ingredients to get a good balance of nutrition ...? !!
How can I get more nutrition easily when I am busy with work and play?
The nutritious Euglena is perfect for the needs of modern people!

So, this is a "trial report" corner where you can add "green juice", which is a drink containing euglena (which can also be used for cooking), to various general foods and find out what makes it the most delicious.

Continuing from the previous time, Suzuki, the director of the R & D department, who developed the world's first method for mass culturing euglena outdoors for food, will report on this second time.

The target items this time are ... "Rice friends" that are indispensable for everyday dining.
Now it's an experiment!

■ Experiment started!

This time, we will add green juice to the standard food "natto, egg (rice with egg), furikake" when it comes to rice.

Here are three things to actually eat this time.

We have prepared 3 types so that you can eat them all at once.

Natto needs to be mixed first, so put the green juice in the pack as it is.
The top surface of natto is covered with green powder.

When you put all the "rice friends" and green juice on the rice, it looks like this.

From the left, rice with eggs, natto rice, and sprinkled rice.

Did you put too much glue in the natto rice, as if you spilled a lot of matcha in the egg-shaped rice? As for the sprinkled rice, you can hardly see the sprinkle.

Well then, it's time to eat.

■ Actual food
① Natto rice

Speaking of rice that is unique to Japanese people (?), It is a challenge to start with natto rice.

It looks pretty green and has an impact.
There is no particular change in the scent, and there is a normal natto scent.

-How about the scent?
Suzuki: The scent doesn't change in particular.

-What is the flavor?
Suzuki: The taste may be delicious because the green juice seaweed or tea-like part comes after the natto, and the sticky aftertaste peculiar to natto is reduced like a little adult natto. Is it a little powdery?

-Adult natto! I want to put it into practice.

② Egg over rice

Next is rice with eggs and green juice!

Before mixing, I could hardly see the eggs, so I put in the flour anyway! Feeling like that.
Is it like Genovese's risotto when mixed? ??
Suzuki rushes into his mouth.

-It looks quite impactful, but how about the taste?
Suzuki: Hmm, this is tororo! The taste may be similar to that of tororo kelp.
It's sticky. Feeling that the mellowness and richness of the egg is increasing. The smooth throat is also delicious.

-Euglena is also an algae, so you can imagine that it looks like tororo kelp. It may be good for changing the taste of rice with eggs.

③ Sprinkle rice

The last is furikake, which is the simplest rice companion.
Among the sprinkles, we will have a famous sprinkle that contains algae calcium.

Both the sprinkle and the green juice are powder-based, so first mix the two powders on white rice.

Lightly mix the sprinkle and green juice.

-It looks a little powdery, but what about it?
Suzuki: Yeah, it's delicious! I thought it would be powdery, but it's not surprising. To be honest, it's surprising. It tastes like cherry starch.
Especially the texture is like cherry starch. You may like it softly and crispy.

-Huh! Sakura starch is a fish, and it may have a cherry starch-like taste when combined with the sweetness of glue.

■ Summary

I asked Suzuki again after eating three kinds of rice.

-Which rice companion best suits the green juice?
Suzuki: Sprinkle, isn't it? It was like discovering a new taste like cherry starch.
It wasn't sweet, but the taste was just right and the texture was new.
However, I felt like I couldn't go with any rice.

-I have rice, but no side dishes! But when you have green juice, you should try all of them.

It was said that the sprinkle that felt a new taste was the best.

This time, "Rice Friend with Green Juice"
★ Add green juice to natto, eggs, and sprinkles for a moderate taste change.
★ Especially when mixed with furikake, the texture is new and fun (Suzuki-like No. 1).

Thats how its going to be.

■ Bonus

Speaking of rice, this is also it! So I also tried "Ochazuke with green juice"!

Add green juice to Ochazuke.

When the editorial members tried it,
"(I added hot water this time) It looks like a version of Ochazuke with tea!
Is it even deeper than tea? I can recommend it! "

is what they said.

★ Extra edition

Additional extra edition ...
Curry (which is also Suzuki's favorite food) should not be forgotten as a menu that is good friends with rice.
I wanted to try it, so I hurriedly prepared an instant curry and ate it.

Even after eating 3 dishes of my favorite curry before, I am full of energy.
Put the green juice in the curry and mix the roux and the green juice first.

-How about your favorite curry, green juice, and taste?
Suzuki: Very delicious! It tastes like spinach curry. The feeling of vegetables is increasing.

It looks so delicious that the spoon doesn't stop.

― Certainly, if you only use ordinary curry, you will want a little more vegetables.
Suzuki: That's right. And curry and euglena, this is exactly what we want to do. When Izumo went to Bangladesh, the locals were eating curry without ingredients. Izumo had a sense of crisis that he would be malnourished because he had rice and curry but no ingredients (vegetables and meat). Nutritional balance is very important.

Hmmm, the difference between food shortage and nutrition shortage.
Well then, thank you for the second time!

◎ End ◎