【2015年7月 活動報告】

This month, we signed a contract with 5 schools managed by 2 NGOs (Aparajeyo-Bangladesh, Baunia Bandh Ideal High School (BBIHS)), and from August we will be able to distribute Euglena became.

1.First of all

Most of the schools covered by the GENKI program were closed due to Ramadan (fasting month) and Eid al-Adha (sacrifice festival) from June to July, and the number of cookies distributed was about 35,000 meals. The summer vacation period of the schools covered by the GENKI program varies from NGO to NGO, but the new semester has finally started on July 26th at all schools. In addition, preparations for the GENKI program have been completed at new contract schools, and distribution is scheduled to begin in August.

2. Status report of newly contracted school

This year, we increased the number of target children in May, but it was decided to increase the number of children from August as well. The number of new schools is 5, and the number of students is about 1,500.
The attendance rate of children participating in the GENKI program varies from NGO to NGO. About 90% at one NGO school, but less than 50% at another NGO school. The average attendance rate for ARBAN schools enrolled in May of this year was 70% last year, but this year it is about 90%.
The photo below is the signing ceremony between Aparajeyo-Bangladesh and Baunia Bandh Ideal High School (BBIHS).

  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh signing ceremonyAparajeyo-Bangladesh signing ceremony
  • BBIHS signing ceremonyBBIHS signing ceremony

3. Preparing to join a new school

Before implementing the GENKI program, we will hold three briefing sessions with the people involved in each school.

How to implement the GENKI program

First of all, we will ask the client to join this program, and then explain the program system. Next, visit the school you want to distribute and check the current situation. During school visits, we will explain the number of students enrolled in each school, the number of teachers, the existence of a lunch system, access methods, cookie storage locations, etc., and explain the purpose and outline of the GENKI program to teachers. If there is no problem with each other, we will conclude a contract and hold a lecture and a workshop for teachers on how to implement it (Photo (1)). After the workshop, we will hold an exchange meeting with the children's parents (Photo (2)). At the exchange meeting, Euglena Co., Ltd. and the contents of the cookies to be distributed. Then, explain to the children how to eat cookies and nutrition (Photo (3)), and finally talk about the actual distribution schedule.
The GENKI program is started through these procedures.
The number of cookies distributed in August is planned to be 120,000 to 130,000 meals.

  • (1) Training for teachers(1) Training for teachers
  • (2) Parents' exchange meeting(2) Exchange meeting with parents
  • (3) Information session for children(3) Information session for children

4. Activities of two new employees

The two new employees who joined the company in July conducted on-site training to visit all 19 schools that have joined the GENKI program in the past month. I got a better understanding of the purpose and outline of the project.
In addition, I was asked to be present at the time of contract for a new GENKI program enrollment school to understand the process. In addition, he is active as an immediate force in preparing documents related to school monitoring and accounting.

  • New employee Yusuf visits schoolNew employee Yusuf visits school
  • New employee lotion visits schoolNew employee lotion visits school

5. Summary

We will continue to promote the GENKI program so that we can contribute to improving the nutrition of children. In order to distribute 1 million meals, which is the target for this term, I would like to follow up on the weekly distribution, sign a new contract with an NGO, and expand the GENKI program. We will continue to make efforts to improve the nutritional problems of children with the cooperation of all of you. Thank you for your continued support.

Euglena Co., Ltd.
Bangladesh Office Director
Mohammed Akerzaman