
1.First of all

Euglena Bangladesh office was able to celebrate its second anniversary in October 2015. We deeply appreciate your support. The office also moved to Mirpur, where the Grameen Foundation headquarters are located, in September this year. Many of the target schools are located in the Mirpur area, which makes it possible to promote more efficient operations. Currently, the number of target schools is 24, and the number of staff has increased from the initial 3 to 5.
At present, the number of target students exceeds 7,000, and an average of 5,000 servings of cookies are distributed daily. The attendance rate of students is 70 to 80%, and we are targeting students who have more than the number of distributions in consideration of holidays such as holidays. The target for October was 120,000 meals, but the school holidays were several days longer than usual, and about 110,000 meals were distributed.

2. Survey of effect measurement

Our office measures the effectiveness of the GENKI program twice a year in April and October. In these two measurements, 400 arbitrary subjects (200 eaters and 200 non-feeders) are tested for height, weight, grip strength, and jumping ability. Photo-1. And Photo-2. Show the local staff and children measuring the target children.
The first measurement was performed six months ago in April, but there were some differences in weight and height between the 8 and 9 year old students. Specifically, in terms of height, eaters were able to confirm a growth difference of 2 to 3 cm compared to non-feeders, but the results for 10-year-old children showed an average growth difference of about 1 cm. There was no significant difference in body weight between eaters and non-feeders. In the future, we plan to carry out further blood tests from February next year.
We believe that this will allow us to measure the degree of improvement in anemia symptoms and general nutritional status to some extent.

  • Photo-1 Explanation of the survey to studentsPhoto-1 Explanation of the survey to students
  • Photo-2 Grip strength survey conductedPhoto-2 Grip strength survey conducted
  • Photo-3 Classroom while studyingPhoto-3 Classroom while studying

3. School visit & current status check

The main goal of October, and be given a prospect of one million meals distribution is the current fiscal year of the target, was a system established for effect measurement. For this reason, all staff members share roles and promote each work.
We also hold regular meetings with teachers to prevent problems. Photo-4 and Photo-5 are scenes where the teacher is re-explaining the precautions and the purpose of the GENKI program. We clarify our role and the role of the school and confirm each job. Photo-6 shows member Azam communicating the purpose of the program to teachers and parents of children at Geneva Camp.
From next year, we plan to increase the number of cookies distributed in the program, and we will further devise a mechanism and division of roles so that we can respond to such cases. We look forward to your continued support in Japan.

Euglena Co., Ltd.
Bangladesh Office Director
Mohammed Akerzaman