
1.First of all

Athletic meet and school festival are held every January to February at elementary and junior high schools in Bangladesh. During this period, the school will be closed and classes will be rarely held. This month, I will mainly report on this athletic meet. In addition, at the end of March, the end of this term, we have set the sights of achieving the target of 1 million meals. Thank you very much for your support.
In addition, we have decided to create an explanatory video to help you understand the GENKI program even more. Ekmattra, which runs a shelter house for street children, is also involved in film production, and this time we asked Ekmattra to make a video.
The shooting locations are some target schools that distribute cookies, and Nabisco, a cookie manufacturing factory (Photo 1). After several meetings (Photo 2), I actually went to a factory or an elementary school to take a picture. In addition, we plan to introduce the state of the city of Dhaka and the slums. It is structured so that you can easily understand why this program started. We plan to make the work so that everyone can see the smiles of children eating cookies.

  • Photo-1: Factory visit of the shooting team
    Photo-1: Factory visit of the shooting team
  • Photo-2: MTG with Ekmattra
    Photo-2: MTG with Ekmattra

2. Participate in school athletic meet

  • Photo-3: Dance at the athletic meetPhoto-3: Dance at the athletic meet
  • Photo-4: Traditional dance performancePhoto-4: Traditional dance performance
  • Photo-5: A proud dance in front of everyonePhoto-5: A proud dance in front of everyone

In Bangladesh, events such as athletic meet and school festival are held in the new school year (January-February) (Photos-3,4,5). Classes will be canceled and the school will be closed as the practice and preparation for these events will take place off-campus. As a result, the attendance rate declined in February, and the number of cookies distributed was just over 60,000.
Traditional Bangladeshi songs and dances are performed at the school festival. To this end, children practice for days.

3. This month's school visit

Our team visits the target schools every month to interact with the children. At that time, we will listen to children's requests and opinions. We have added new flavors since last year and now offer four flavors. Milk flavor called Mawa milk, butter, fruit mix and milk chocolate (Photos-6,7). When asked about the seasoning that is popular with children, milk chocolate is the most popular, but there are also many fans of milk flavor. Of course, everyone will finish the meal with any seasoning. There are many children who like studying, and they are all studying hard. Looking at these children, I think we need to improve the GENKI program and make more efforts.
Photo-8 is a picture drawn by children during the school festival.

  • Photo-6: Tasting of new productsPhoto-6: New taste tasting
  • Photo-7: Which taste is delicious?Photo-7: Which taste is delicious?
  • Photo-8: Dining scene at a local homePhoto-8: Dining scene at a local home

4. Summary

This month, one member who has promoted the GENKI program with us for many years will be in charge of the mung bean project and has been transferred to Euglena
We plan to distribute about 6,000 meals a day next fiscal year, so it is necessary to join new friends as soon as possible. In addition to increasing the number of distributions, we intend to further understand the needs of the field and enhance the contents of the program. In addition, we would like to demonstrate the effectiveness of this program through blood tests and other means. We look forward to your continued support in the next fiscal year.

Euglena Co., Ltd.
Bangladesh Office Director
Mohammed Akerzaman