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株主総会​General meeting of shareholders

Video of the day

Questions and answers

Questions and answers received on the day

Please note that the answers below are the contents at the time of the General Meeting of Shareholders and may differ from the latest information.

Questions regarding shareholder return measures such as dividends and the practical application of biofuels
<President Izumo>
Regarding shareholder return measures such as dividends, we focused on achieving our medium-term management targets of 30 billion yen in consolidated sales and the commercialization of biojet diesel fuel, and successfully achieved both targets. I would like to consider it later. Since it is difficult to switch all power of large commercial vehicles such as airplanes and buses to electricity, we believe that there will be demand for biofuels in the future.
Japan has also declared in the Paris Agreement that it will reduce greenhouse gases, and it is expected that biofuels will attract more attention in terms of energy use. Therefore, until 2020, we would like to prioritize R & D of biofuels that have a large impact on the market and investment in advertising in the growing healthcare business.


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