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企業概要Company Profile


Company Name Euglena Co., Ltd.
Capital 158億6,779万円(2023年12月末時点)
Established August 9, 2005
Board Members

代表取締役社長 出雲 充
取締役代表執行役員 Co-CEO 兼 CFiO 若原 智広
取締役代表執行役員 Co-CEO 兼 COO 植村 弘子
取締役 兼 指名報酬委員会委員長 岡島 悦子
取締役(社外取締役) 琴坂 将広
取締役監査等委員(社外取締役) 清水 誠
取締役監査等委員(社外取締役) 望月 愛子
取締役監査等委員(社外取締役) 村上 未来


Description of Business
  1. ユーグレナ等の微細藻類等の研究開発、生産
  2. ユーグレナ等の微細藻類等の食品、化粧品の製造、販売
  3. ユーグレナ等の微細藻類等のバイオ燃料技術開発、環境関連技術開発
  4. バイオテクノロジー関連ビジネスの事業開発、投資等


Group Companies
Domestic (within Japan)
Grameen Euglena


Office Locations
Domestic (within Japan)

Corporate Organization Chart



2005 August Established Euglena Co., Ltd.
December Succeeded in the world’s first outdoor mass cultivation of Euglena microalgae for food use
2009 February Conducted demonstration experiments on using Euglena to fix carbon dioxide contained in gas emissions at a coal-fired power plant in Okinawa Prefecture
2010 May Started joint development with other companies to manufacture bio-jet fuel from Euglena
October Started demonstration experiments and joint research on cultivating Euglena using gas emissions from a thermal power plant
2012 December Listed on the Mothers Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Securities code: 2931)
2013 March Made Yaeyama Shokusan Co., Ltd. a wholly-owned subsidiary
October Opened our first overseas office in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
November Joined the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
December Registered Euglena as a new food raw material with the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China
December RIKEN and Euglena Co., Ltd. sign an agreement to collaborate and cooperate on promoting research
December Acquired Halal certification for the Euglena and Chlorella microalgae from the Japan Halal certification body (Japan Muslim Association) approved by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)
2014 April Moved the head office to Iidabashi First Tower and moved the Central Research Institute to Leading Venture Plaza Building 1.
December Updated to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Securities code: 2931)
2015 January Received the "Prime Minister's Award (Japan Venture Award)" at the 1st Japan Venture Awards of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
March Relocated the Head Office to Tamachi, Minato-ku
June Signed contracts with other companies for a biofuel production facility
December Announced plan to construct a production facility
2016 May Succeeded in developing a method to selectively breed a variant of Euglena that produces a large amount of oil
September Announced the construction of Japan’s largest cultivation pool for fuel in Taki Town, Mie Prefecture
2017 January Doubled annual production of our Euglena production system to 160 tonnes
February Announced the conclusion of a contract to construct a biofuel production facility
December Formed a capital and business tie-up with Oriental Air Bridge Co., Ltd.
2018 November Completed the demonstration plant for producing biofuel and made the “GREEN OIL JAPAN” declaration, which aims to make Japan an advanced biofuel nation
2019 January Acquired the world’s first ASC-MSC Seaweed (Algae) Certification for Euglena and Chlorella
February Euglena Co., Ltd. and DENSO CORPORATION entered a basic agreement for a comprehensive tie-up in business development using microalgae
February Concluded an agreement for project collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP) as the first Japanese company to do so
June Concluded an agreement with ITOCHU Corporation to start a Euglena cultivation demonstration business based overseas
July Yokohama City and Euglena Co., Ltd. signed an agreement for a “Biofuel Local Production for Local Consumption Project”
October Appointed a youth Chief Future Officer (CFO), the first company listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange to appoint such a position
2020 January Acquired the new standard ASTM D7566, which is an international standard certification for bio-jet fuel production technology
March Completed Euglena biodiesel fuel and sent the first shipment to be used for buses
March Rebranded foods and supplements and launched the "Euglena for the body" brand
April The Mung Bean Project implemented in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was selected for the Business Call to Action (BCtA) launched by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
August Succeeded in development of biomass plastics from Euglena biofuel residue
September Used Euglena biodiesel fuel in ferries for the first time in the world
September The total number of Euglena cookies distributed through the “Euglena GENKI Program” exceeded 10 million.
2021 January Acquired GRAS certification for food safety in the United States, enabling our food products to be sold in the US
March Completed Euglena bio-jet fuel
March Successfully demonstrated the use of a drone powered by Euglena biofuel to carry goods
June Our biofuel named "SUSTEO"
June Succeeded in two aircraft flights with biofuel "Susteo"
August An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was held in Japan's first virtual-only general meeting of shareholders. Changed the business purpose in the articles of incorporation to reflect the SDGs
November Mazda competition vehicle refueled with 100% SUSTEO in Super Taikyu race completed 3 hours
December Received the "SDGs Promotion Headquarters (Prime Minister) Award" at the 5th Japan SDGs Awards
2022 December The total number of Euglena cookies distributed through the “Euglena GENKI Program” exceeded 15 million.
2023 January 丸井グループおよびロート製薬と資本業務提携契約を締結
February 「サステナビリティ委員会」を設置
May マレーシアに「熱帯バイオマス技術研究所」を開設
May 2023スーパー耐久シリーズ第2戦にて、 100%「サステオ」給油車両が24時間完走
June ESG投資の世界的指数「FTSE Blossom Japan Index」の構成銘柄に初選定
October インパクトスタートアップ育成支援プログラム「J-Startup Impact」選定
December 「ユーグレナGENKIプログラム」でのユーグレナクッキーの配布数が累計1,700万食を超える
2024 February CFO(Chief Future Officer:最高未来責任者)の取り組みをアップデートし、「未来世代アドバイザリーボード」を設置
April 国内初の「サステナブル配送プロジェクト」により杉の木約5,500本相当、4.11トンのCO2排出量削減を達成
April バングラデシュでのソーシャルビジネス「ユーグレナGENKIプログラム」10周年
May 羽田空港におけるエアラインへのSAF供給および販売実現に向けた基本合意書を締結
June 「サステナブル配送プロジェクト」が第25回物流環境大賞の特別賞を受賞!
July ESG投資の世界的指数「FTSE Blossom Japan Index」の構成銘柄に2年連続選定
July ユーグレナ、PETRONAS、Enilive の3社、マレーシアにおけるバイオ燃料製造プラントの建設・運営プロジェクト最終投資決定を完了

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